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Brasília / DF
14 a 16 de Fevereiro


Biblical Principles and Foundations for Inner Healing.

Conflicting situations in life are overcome through Christ, through His Word we receive revelation and experience Salvation.

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  • The Blood of Christ

  • Forgiveness 

  • Identity, Orphanhood and Paternity

  • Dealing with Bitterness

  • Problem with Authority

  • Passive Mind X Renewed Mind

  • guilt and grace

  • Fear

  • Enemy Access and Ancestral Sins 

  • Maturity

  • Overcoming Iniquity

  • and more...

Liberation and Inner Healing,
the Renewal of the Eagles

"O Renovo das Águias" é um tempo de transformação, de aprender princípios de cura da alma, libertação pessoal e familiar ajudando a lidar com fraquezas e limitações pessoais; de receber princípios bíblicos que o ativarão para uma nova estação, para que você viva seu propósito e destino em Cristo, que é de sermos semelhantes a Ele para a glória do PAI.

Focamos na sujeição ao Senhorio de Cristo, na busca do Espírito Santo e na revelação do plano redentivo do SENHOR.


Required for participation in the meeting:

. Have at least 1 (one) year of conversion;

. Be Baptized;

. Having completed the Pre-Clinic;

. Bring permission from your pastor;

. Children will not be allowed;

. In the case of pregnant women, we will need to evaluate each case, please contact us;

. Minimum age for participation: 14 years old.


Rationale for the meeting:

You receive:

. access to the online course "Jesus and His Kingdom" – Escola Brasil de Kneels

. book summary: "Breaking Chains" - Neil T. Anderson


.  The Blood of Christ
.  Sorry
.  Identity, Orphanage and Paternity
.  Dealing with Bitterness
.  Problem with Authority
.  Passive Mind X Renewed Mind
.  Guilt and Grace
.  Fear
.  Access to the Enemy and Ancestral Sins
.  Maturity
.  Overcoming Iniquity
  and more

Libertação e Cura Interior,
o Renovo das Águias

Brasília / DF
14 a 16/Fev/25

⚠️ inscrições até 7/Fev

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